When Is Rewiring Your House Likely to Be Necessary?
July 16

When Is Rewiring Your House Likely to Be Necessary?

The idea of rewiring a house can sound very involved. However, the process is often simpler than homeowners expect. You may need to rewire your… View Article Read More

Top Plumbing & Electrical Problems Texas Homeowners Face
July 11

Top Plumbing & Electrical Problems Texas Homeowners Face

As a homeowner, you may run into many different problems with your home. From its plumbing to your electrical system, it’s important to know when… View Article Read More

New Homeowner’s Guide to Safely Using Extension Cords
July 5

New Homeowner’s Guide to Safely Using Extension Cords

When you move into a new home and you’re unfamiliar with where your electrical outlets are, you might be tempted to rely on extension cords… View Article Read More

June 20

Reasons Why Grounding Electrical Systems is Important

You depend heavily on the electricity that runs through your home. You may even take for granted this modern convenience, giving little thought to the… View Article Read More

The Dangers of Electrical Fires & Ways to Prevent Them
June 10

The Dangers of Electrical Fires & Ways to Prevent Them

An electrical fire can cause extreme damage to a property and also cause bodily injury or death to anyone inside a structure when it occurs…. View Article Read More

What’s The Difference Between Electrical Panels and Circuit Breakers?
June 3

What’s The Difference Between Electrical Panels and Circuit Breakers?

If you’re like most people, you likely use the terms circuit breakers and electrical panel interchangeably. That’s understandable because the two things are parts of… View Article Read More

How Your Home’s Plumbing and Electrical Intertwine
May 21

How Your Home’s Plumbing and Electrical Intertwine

If you thought plumbing and electricity were like oil and water, think again. Contrary to popular belief, these two are not so much opposites but… View Article Read More

What Does Surge Protection Do?
May 13

What Does Surge Protection Do?

Your electronic devices aren’t cheap, which means protecting them is probably a priority. Many people are familiar with surge protectors, which can be used to… View Article Read More

Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Your Home During Storm Season
May 5

Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Your Home During Storm Season

As the weather starts to get warmer, it’s an indication that storm season is on the way. From massive wind gusts and damaging rain, there… View Article Read More

April 20

What Size Backup Generator Do I Need For My Home?

Installing a backup generator for your home is a fantastic investment that should ensure you continue to have power any time an outage or blackout… View Article Read More